The 7th edition

The7th Edition

This edition we focus  on  the  setting  of  urethrae. We  try  to  make  the long anterior urethral flap  but  in some  patient who have  a thick  urethrae wall will get some  problem of  urethral swelling during early post  operation peroid and the setting is uncontrollable. But  if  the  flap is  too thin it  will  be  to friable to  setand cause opening stricture. So we use  the  medial thick ness  in  the new  edtion  and fix  the  urethral flap to the  anterior perineal wall. Most of  urethral tissue  lie  on the perineum  not the vagina wall.






The 4th edition

The 4th edition

The  4th edition is  the  era of   new concept  of  flap fixation to  make  to  fixation  last longer  and the  appearance of  labia minor  more defined for  a  long time. Now we can get rid  of  the  hair along labia minor, inside the critoris and especially hood of critoris. Anyway,the tecnique  cause more tissue slough, the technique  has been modified for a while until getting  better result.


The 5th Edition

We are still unsatisfied  about  the  appearance of  critoris. During  this time the  anatomy  of  the  gland penis  was reviewed and the new  dissection and  setting was  deveoped. After 1 month all  the  cases were oprerated in  the new style of critoris because  we can  get  the  good  setting  , good feeling  and better aesthetic result. The uretrae is still set  with thick flap.




The 6th adition

Even we reduce  the  spongy tissue around  uretrae. In long term follow up, some  one  still have  problem of  enlargement of sponge  mass aterior to introitus during arousal peroid. So we  remove  more tissue with the new tecnique to get rid  of  the  mass that obstruct  the  neovaginal canal.


