The 12th edition

The 12th edition

In some patient  that  have long  penis we will try  to use  the  penile  flap to  be  the  anterior  vaginal wall. To  avoid  the graft contractionb at the  anterior vaginal  wall and  to  gain the  benefit  of flap elasticity, the new design of penile flap has been deveioped. It take  about 1 year  to get  this  setting prior to  failure of  other 2 setting.  The anterior penile flap is  separate to make  the long labia minor and  the  distal end turn to  construct  the vaginal  wall next to  the  urethral opening. In  this  setting the  urethal opening is quite stable and  the vaginal opening is wider and more elastig. So  the  dilation and sexual  intercourse will be  much easier.

The 2nd version of the 12nd  edition

As we set  the  urethal flap  and  graft  in the new design, we modify  the  technique of tissure  setting. We  interpose  the urethal opening and  the distal penile flap with  the urethal graft. Therefore  the opening of valva  consist of mucosal tissue  that have slippery surface which facilitate  the dilation and insertion





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