The 8th edition

The 8th edition

This edition we pay attention  in  thre vaginal pocket , packing  and  drainage system . Since  in our technic  the  anterio  vagina wall consists of  more graft and  posterior wall  consist  of  more flap. So  the  packing  should not  be  tight  to avoid flap necrosis and  not  too  loose to  avoid graft lost.We find  that thight packing  is not  so good  in our setting  because it conpresses the vascular  of  the  posterior flap  and cause a lot of flap necrosis then result inadequte depth of neovagina after  completely healing.  the  The concept  is  that  right after operation  the pocket  will  be very swelling  in a small cavity ,  make  the pocket  thight and result better graft survival.The drain  is change from normal Fr12 PVC radivac  drain to silicon15 mm fruited drain , so  the drain will funtion for  all 6 day  before  we take out  the drain. We found  that the good fruited drain can make  the  big change in flap  and  graft survival because  the  less correction and hematoma. Furthermore  thevaginal pocket is deeper  and  wider dissected to  the  Denonvier layer and retroperitoneal pocket that more potential space  and  give more space  than intraperitoneal space.

WE can say  that  the factor of deep pocket into retroperitoneum,adepockin ang very good drainage  is a key of depth success.




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